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Doctor of Medicine

Doctor of Medicine

Doctor of Medicine

Doctor of Medicine is a full-time five-year, ten-semester competency-based programme. All courses in the Programme have core status, implying that every student must register and pass all the courses; there is no electives courses.

The first four semesters are largely devoted to basic sciences and introduction to clinical medicine, but also fieldwork and community training.

The next six semesters are mainly practical and comprise junior and senior clerkships as well as community health training.



A. Doctor of Medicine Tuition Fee paid to the University
Academic ProgrammeSemester Tuition Fee For Local Student (TZS)Annual Tuition for Local Students
Doctor of Medicine Degree (MD)3,340,0006,680,000
B. Other Fee Payable Every Year to the University (Administrative)
ItemLocal Students per Semester (TZS)Annual Admin fee-local students (TZS)
Registration Fee100,000200,000
Quality assurance10,00020,000
Student Union Membership Fee10,00020,000
Library membership Fee 10,00020,000
E-Learning Resource & ICT Services250,000500,000
Total Fee Paid To MzU Every Year 4,010,0008,020,000
C. Other Payable Fee paid on Specific Time to the University or To Other Statutory Organization
ItemLocal Students (TZS)Details
Graduation Fee100,000Paid to the University in final year
Quality Assurance-Clinical Rotation and Skills400,000Paid to MZU in clinical every year
Identity card10,000Paid to MZU once in first year
Health Insurance50,400paid direct to NHIF every year